Misunderstanding and Truths about the “Salvationists”

Author : -관리자- / Date : 2017. 1. 24. 16:40 / Category : [ENG]/English

Misunderstanding and Truths about the “Salvationists”


The Bible should be the basis for determining if a religious sect is a cult or not, midst of theological differences. Interpretation of the Bible could be also subject to a debate and controversy. 

Criticism against the so-called the Salvationists is neither theological nor objective evidence-based. Malicious and unverified statements are widely quoted as the basic tenets of the Salvationists. 

Modern churches are in a competition to attract churchgoers and use marketing strategies to achieve that goal. Nearly three decades ago, many churchgoers who sought spiritual nourishment came to realize the gospel through our church and left their former church. Our church was labeled as a cult in order to stop more people from leaving other church and joining ours. 

Self-declared cult judgment panel labeled our church to form a bias against our church. Typical churchgoers did not wish to hear about the hell and it was wrongly asserted that everyone outside our church is bound to hell based on selective and misleading quotes without context. 

We pray that our effort to clear the name of our church will pave the path for spreading the gospel, and the readers will read without a prejudice.

Evangelical Layman’s Church


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