"Purpose of Re-entry into Keumsoowon is Questionable" (June 13, 2014)

Author : -관리자- / Date : 2017. 1. 24. 17:22 / Category : [ENG]/English

Statement and Press Conference of the Evangelical Baptist Church (June 13, 2014)

Purpose of Re-entry into Keumsoowon is Questionable

1. Who brought shame to the President?

 Prosecutors’ Office spent a day and two nights using nearly 10,000 members to search Keumsoowon. They searched the sewage/septic tanks looking for the underground pass and bunkers. Search yielded nothing. Prosecutors’ office was misled and believed the claims of the self-claimed former members of our church. Are the government, prosecutors and the press genuinely committed to uncover the truth behind the Sewol Ferry incident? 

2. To the Prosecutors and Police: Please respect and abide by the law.

 Prosecutors/police entered Keumsoowon and started their search before presenting the search warrant. When they did not find what they were looking for, they resorted to an emergency arrest of people without a charge. Please stop such measures. And the prosecutors prohibited the journalists from reporting on the search although we ourselves were supportive of the idea. Please be respectful of the environment in Keumsoowon and stop trashing it.

3. Investigation of the Sewol Ferry Incident

 Let me ask: Are the government, prosecutors and the press are genuinely committed to uncover the truth behind the Sewol Ferry incident? They certainly devote more time to hunt down the Yoo family and squandered time. The National Coast Guard Office responsible for the rescue effort was disbanded and much more evidence could be disappearing as we speak.

Members of the Evangelical Baptist Church and the Korean Laymen’s Evangelical Fellowship


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