[The Sewol Ferry] Did Chonghaejin Marine Co. make an illegal modification to expand the Sewol ferry?

Author : -관리자- / Date : 2020. 10. 12. 14:20 / Category : [ENG]/English

1. What are the false reports?

Many media outlets released false reports regarding the Sewol ferry, such as “Former Chairman Yoo Byung eun illegally expanded the Sewol ferry” and “Chonghaejin Marine Co. made an illegal modification to expand the Sewol ferry.” These false reports were either deleted or addressed by a correction or refuting report through the Press Arbitration Commission and negotiation between the press and the involved parties. Examples of false reporting are as follows.





2. Report VS Truth 


Former Chairman Yoo Byung-eun illegally expanded the Sewol ferry.Chonghaejin Marine Co. made an illegal modification to expand the Sewol ferry.
The prosecution and the court concluded that the expansion of the Sewol ferry did not break the law; therefore, there was no illegal expansion. President Yoo Somena 's design company completed the interior construction that was carried out at the time of the expansion but was not involved in the expansion of the Sewol ferry. 





3. Related Articles

<2014 No. 509 Gwangju High Court Ruling 64p>

3. Introduction and expansion of the Sewol ferry

While Chonghaejin Marine Co. was engaged in the transportation business by introducing the Ohamana ferry (6,322 tons, built in 1989) on the Incheon-Jeju route, the defendant Kim Han sik, the chief executive officer of Chonghaejin Marine Co., navigated the above route in a double track configuration to block other shipping companies from entering the route. In order to prepare for when the Ohamana ferry nears the end of its life, in 2010 with the approval of Yoo Byung-eun, the chairman of Chonghaejin Marine Co., he added.

27) The trial court is making a sentence based on the condition that expanding the Sewol ferry was illegal, but the illegality of the expansion of the Sewol ferry itself is not accepted.


<Korea Register of Shipping press release May 2014>

Passenger ship Sewol ferry related to Korean Register of Shipping

8. Regarding stability test and stability calculation

 The stability test is a test that calculates the weight and center of gravity in the light load condition (cargo, passenger, parallel water, etc.). Based on the results, the stability of actual operation is assessed and implemented in the following cases:

 When the ship is built or the main dimensions (length, width, height) of the ship are changed, or-

 If the difference in light weight before and after expansion is more than 2% without changing the main dimensions

☞ In the case of the Sewol ferry, a light load of 187 tons was increased (3.16% of 5926 tons), and a stability test was conducted, and the stability in actual operating conditions was evaluated by reflecting the result, confirming that it satisfies the ship restoration  standard.

☞ There is a media report saying that the ship's stability test was first failed and was conducted twice, but the slope test was not  ready, so we waited and completed the slope test normally on the same day ('13.1.24, conducted once).


<Money Today, April 18, 2014>

Sewol ferry “passed” expansion and safety inspection tests

According to the Korean Register of Shipping, a ship inspection agency, on the 18th, the Sewol “passed” the safety inspection in February this year. The Korean Register of Shipping conducted a class 1 interim inspection on the Sewol ferry in Yeosu, Jeollanam-do for 10 days from February 10th. Intermediate inspections are conducted between regular inspections that are conducted once every five years, and the ship is placed on the dock and the exterior and interior of the ship are inspected. The Korean Register of Shipping explained that it did not find any defects as a result of conducting safety inspections on more than 100 items, including the interior and exterior of the ship, engines, drainage facilities, and communication facilities in the intermediate inspection. The Korean Register of Shipping said that when the Sewol ferry expanded its cabin last year, it had 'normally passed' all of the blueprint inspection, ship stability test, and shipboard slope test.



4. Report on corrections and refuting reports

<Labor Today News 5/28/2020>Correction


We are correcting our article titled “Law on punishing companies with serious disaster” reported back on May 28th, 2020. We initially reported that Yoo, the former chairman of Semo Group, lead the illegal expansion of the Sewol ferry, but because the court ruled during the first trial of civil case and the second trial of criminal case that “there is no illegality in expansion”, we are correcting our report.



<JoongAng Ilbo 8/11/2017>

[속보]검찰 "유섬나 구속 브리핑 때 '불법 증축' 표현 안 써"

[Breaking news]. During the briefing about Yoo Somena’s arrest, Public Prosecutors' Office did not use the term “illegal expansion: On June 26th, the JoongAng Ilbo online news site (Joins.com) reported an article under the titled, “Patrimony? The Yoo Byung-eun family stole money oversaes... Yoo Somena arrested...” (http://news.joins.com/article/21701722) At the time, the report indicated that 'during the prosecution process, there was an indiciation that Yoo was related to thesinking of the Sewol ferry. It was said that the expansion work, which is one of the direct causes of the sinking of the Sewol ferry, was done by the instruction from Yoo Byung-eun to build “exhibition gallery of Yoo Byung-eun” It is said that the ship was illegally expanded with frequent changes in construction plan without reporting to the administrative agency. The report said that the cost of the illegal expansion was 165 million won. Regarding this, family of the late Chairman Yoo Byung-eun said, “In the appeal trial (Gwangju Act 2014 No 509), “the original trial is stipulating that the expansion and reconstruction of the Sewol ferry is illegal for reasons of sentencing, but the expansion and reconstruction of the Sewol ferry itself is not illegal. It has been argued that the Sewol ferry has not been expanded illegally. Regarding this matter, it was confirmed that there was no direct expression of 'illegal expansion' in the briefing data at the time. However, during the briefing of the Incheon District Prosecutor's Office, in the process of answering questions to reporters, the prosecution replied that “there was not permission from the administrative authorities due to frequent changes to the construction plan,” but we are correcting this expression as the reporter expressed as “illegal expansion”.


<TV Chosun homepage 6/29/2017>

<Announcement> Powerful Opponents  episode 187 -Notification and refuting report related to president Yoo Somena


We are posting a counterargument against the broadcast titled "Episode 187 -Return of the Eldest Daughter Yoo Byung-Eun and Yoo Somena" back on June 14th.1. Former Chairman Yoo Byung-eun is not the direct owner ofthe Sewol ferry because there is no factof him owning the shares of Chonghaejin Marine Co., and there is a ruling that the shares are not under the borrowed-name property of former chairman Yoo.2. Prosecutors' office and the court concluded that there was no illegality in the expansion and renovation of the Sewol ferry, and president Yoo Somena's design company reported that there was no fact of intervening in the expansion and renovation of the Sewol ferry.3. In 2014, the prosecutors' office said that there is no evidence revealing that former Chairman Yoo was illegally lobbying with money, and that the Semo Group was revived after going bankrupt in 1997 through legal management procedures.4. One of the photos reported as Yoo Somena is a photograph of another person, and we inform you that she has been listed as the executive director and director of Moreal Design.Lastly, TV Chosun apologizes to both Yoo Somena and viewersfor using inappropriate expressions that can be seen as blasphemous remarks,such as Yoo Somena is a fraudulent genius and the most vicious person.






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