[Geumsuwon] There are underground bunkers and secret tunnels in Geumsuwon?

Author : -관리자- / Date : 2021. 11. 6. 16:37 / Category : [ENG]/English

1. What has been falsely reported?

A number of media outlets falsely reported about the facilities in Geumsuwon, saying such things as, “There is an underground bunker facility in Geumsuwon” and, “There are underground tunnels in Geumsuwon - secret facilities that Chairman Yoo Byung-eun can use to escape.” Through discussions with the Press Arbitration Commission and those directly related to the press, the media was corrected or deleted. Examples of false reports are as follows:

“Yoo Byung-eun in the secret tunnel of Geumsuwon?” … Second day of search



2. Reports vs. Facts

In Geumsuwon, there are secret facilities that Chairman Yoo Byung-eun can use to escape, such as tunnels and underground bunkers.
Reports that there are underground bunkers in Geumsuwon are one-sided claims made by Lee Chung, a defector of the church. Based on these remarks, the prosecution searched Geumsuwon using equipment such as sonar and probe rods, but could not find any underground facilities. And so, these reports from various media outlets were also found to be false reports.




3. Related articles

<Hankook Ilbo, June 13, 2014>


Probe rod and sonar... The underground search in Geumsuwon also comes up with nothing




<Channel A, June 12, 2014>


Geumsuwon search, Just noise... The tunnel detector also comes up with nothing




4. Related corrections and counter-arguments


<Asia Business Daily Co., Ltd, January 16, 2015>


[Correction·Counter-argument report] About the reports related to Geumsuwon regarding the Evangelical Laymen’s Church (The Salvation Group) and Former Chairman Yoo Byung-eun

3. About the Geumsuwon Report

Some media outlets reported on the anti-social and closed-off climate of Geumsuwon, but members of the Evangelical Laymen’s Church are free to enter Geumsuwon and visitors can freely enter during events, so it has been determined that these reports denouncing the group as closed-off are clear false reports. In addition, the results of the prosecution’s investigation have found that the speculative reports of underground tunnels and bunkers in Geumsuwon have also been found to be groundless.


<Newsis, January 23, 2015>


[Correction and counter-argument reports regarding the Evangelical Laymen’s Church and Former President Yoo Byung-eun]
This news agency has found that in relation to the reports of the Evangelical Laymen’s Church and former President Yoo Byung-eun, the prosecution's investigation confirmed that there was no truth behind the claims that former President Yoo attempted to stow away or seek political asylum, or lobby politicians with golf clubs, or that there were underground bunkers in Geumsuwon.

And many others





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