[Sewol] Former Chairman Yoo Byung-eun was the main culprit of the Sewol ferry disaster?

Author : -관리자- / Date : 2021. 12. 11. 15:42 / Category : [ENG]/English

1. What has been falsely reported?


Many media outlets misreported the responsibilities of former Chairman Yoo Byung-eun in connection with the sinking of the Sewol ferry, such as 'Former Chairman Yoo Byung-eun is the main culprit of the Sewol ferry disaster. However, such contents are from past press reports and are not true that doesn’t have any evidence. Examples of misreports are as follows.










2. Reports vs. Facts



Former Chairman Yoo Byung-eun is the main culprit of the Sewol ferry disaster.
Former Chairman Yoo Byung-eun caused the Sewol ferry disaster.
Former Chairman Yoo Byung-eun did not own a stake in Chonghaejin Marine, a shipping company of the sunken Sewol ferry, and was not involved in management. The responsibility for the accident and disaster was not revealed, so he cannot be regarded as the main culprit of the Sewol ferry accident. This has been counter-reported through various media reports.





3. Related articles

<Pressian July 24, 2014>

Yoo Byung-eun is not the main culprit of the 'Sewol ferry disaster'

Now, considering the results of the prosecution's advanced simulation 'scientific investigation' or the results of the auditor's investigation that states the prosecution had enough time to save most of the 304 people, we have to ask ‘why was the response of the rescue authorities so messed up to the level we cannot understand?’ Could that responsibility be passed on to Yoo Byung-eun, who is already dead?




<Star News July 19, 2018>

Court acknowledges 'state responsibility' for the Sewol ferry disaster.. "Unlike ordinary accidents"

The court recognized the state's responsibility for the Sewol ferry disaster. According to News 1, section 30 of the Civil Agreement of the Seoul Central District Court (President Judge Sang-Hyeon Lee) ruled that some of the plaintiffs were won in a lawsuit filed against the government and Cheonghaejin by surviving family members such as Jeon Myung-sun, chairman of the 4/16 Sewol Families Council Steering Committee. The sewol ferry disaster survivors refused compensation and won a lawsuit filed to hold the state's responsibility after 2 years and 10 months. The judge said, "The victims of the Sewol ferry tragedy suffered fear for a long time without knowing the specific situation and died." “There is a dispute over the subject of responsibility and compensation for the cause of the sinking of the Sewol ferry until now.” I took into account that there are special circumstances unlike general accidents.”



4. Related corrections and counter-arguments

<Intent of the case, October 12, 2017>

Related to Evangelical Baptist Church [correction press]

본 인터넷 신문은 2017년 8월 3일 ‘정치의속내’면에서 「대한민국 슬픈 현대사 압축, ‘8월 정치 히스토리’」이라는 제목으로 “세월호참사의 주범단체 지목 구원파 연루된 ‘오대양 사 건’”, “‘세월호’의 회사 청해진해운의 실소유 단체로 지목되는 ‘구원파’”, “결국 구원파는 이때도 사건 연루의혹이 있었으며 세월호 참사에서도 연결돼 있는 것으로 의심받고 있다.”라고 보도하 였습니다. 그러나 사실 확인 결과, 기독교복음침례회가 오대양 사건과 무관함은 지난 1987년과 1989년, 1991년 정부와 검찰의 3차례 수사 및 조사 결과를 통해서 밝혀진 바 있으며, 이를 검찰이 2014 년 5월 공문을 통해서 확인해 준 바 있습니다. 또한 기독교복음침례회는 세월호의 선사인 청해 진해운의 실소유 단체가 아니며, 세월호 참사 이후 관련 재판에서 기독교복음침례회와 세월호 참사와 관련 여부가 밝혀진 바가 없는 것으로 확인되었습니다. 이에 해당 보도를 바로 잡습니 다. <끝>



<한국기독공보 2017년 2월 11일>

[기독교복음침례회 관련 반론 보도문]


Related to Evangelical Baptist Church [correction press]

This internet newspaper published on August 3, 2017, under the title of "Compressing the Sad Modern History of Korea, "August Political History" in the aspect of "In the Politics", "Odaeyang Incident", which was involved in the salvation group, the main culprit of the Sewol ferry disaster. “Salvationists,” who are pointed out as the beneficial organization of Cheonghaejin, the company of 'Sewol', were reported, “In the end, the salvation group had suspicion of involvement in the incident, and it is suspected to be connected in the Sewol ferry disaster.” However, as a result of confirming the fact, it was revealed through the results of three investigations by the government and the prosecution in 1987, 1989, and 1991 that the Evangelical Baptist Church was irrelevant to the case of Odaeyang, and this was revealed by the prosecution through an official in May 2014. I have confirmed it. In addition, Evangelical Baptist Church is not an organization that actually owned Cheonghaejin, the company owning the Sewol ferry, and it has been confirmed that there was no evidence of a connection between Evangelical Baptist Church and the Sewol ferry disaster in a related trial after the Sewol ferry disaster. This will correct the report. <End>



<Korean Christian Bulletin February 11, 2017>

[Report on objection to Evangelical Baptist Church]

On December 6, 2016, this internet newspaper published an opinion page titled 'Christians' Perceptions of the Current State', and "As the Sewol issue of 2014 broke out, the shadow of the pseudo-organization that is casting our society has been revealed It was reported that the Salvationists quickly drove our society into a pit of chaos," and "Although the small-seated religion of the Salvation Church is a spiritual problem." In response, the Evangelical Baptist Church (Salvationist) side informed us that, 'Evangelical Baptist Church has not been revealed in any case regarding the cause of the Sewol ferry disaster in the course of a trial or investigation by the Special Consortium.’



<Media Watch December 15, 2014>

[Rebuttal Report] Informational and counterargument reports on the reports related to former Chairman Yoo Byung-eun

In addition, the officials of former chairman Yoo Byung-eun have informed that former chairman Yoo cannot be regarded as the main culprit of the Sewol ferry accident because he did not own a stake in Cheonghaejin, a shipping company of the sunken Sewol ferry, and the case is currently under investigation by the prosecution, so the exact facts have not been confirmed.




본 게시글은 지난 2014년 4월 중순부터 2016년 10월 말까지 310여 곳의 언론사들이 보도한 

16,000여 건의 오보에 대한 정정 및 반론 보도 중에 해당 부분을 발췌한 글입니다.



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